The pension fund for language professionals

50 years of experience
Governed by Swiss legislation
Recognized by the international organizations
Caisse de pension interprètes et traducteurs freelance . CPIT

Active since 1970

The CPIT is a pension fund founded by conference interpreters and translators who were members of the International Association of Conference Translators (AITC) and the International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC).

The CPIT’s purpose is to enable translators, interpreters and other language professionals to obtain customized social security coverage (retirement, disability and lump-sum death benefits, access to home ownership, etc.).

The CPIT is recognized by both the United Nations system and the European and coordinated organizations.

The advantages of the CPIT

A pension fund adapted to your profession

The flexibility afforded by the CPIT is especially well adapted to the practice of translation, interpretation and the language professions.

Managed by your colleagues

The CPIT is managed transparently, without red tape or intermediaries, and all returns on its investments accrue permanently to the membership.

Attractive benefits

Retirement benefits adapted to your needs and disability/death benefits.

Governed by stringent Swiss legislation

The CPIT is bound by Swiss legislation on occupational provident funds but accepts members of all nationalities, no matter what country they live in.

Caisse de pension interprètes et traducteurs freelance . CPIT

The pension fund designed for interpreters, translators and other language professionals

Governed by Swiss legislation

Over 50 years of experience

Recognized by the international organizations