Introducing the
Foundation Council

The Foundation Council is the CPIT’s decision-making body. 

It is made up of five to seven CPIT members elected by the General Assembly.

The Council in a nutshell


The Foundation Council appoints the president, vice-president and secretary-treasurer from among its members.

Term of office

The Council’s members are elected for a three-year term of office and may be re-elected three times.


The Foundation Council adopts the CPIT Regulations, which it submits for approval to the actuarial expert and the supervisory authorities.

General Assembly

The Council convenes a general assembly of members at least once every three years. The General Assembly elects, by majority decision of the members present, the members’ representatives on the Council.

Information for members

The Council informs the members once a year about their entitlements and the Fund’s financial situation.​

The members of the Foundation Council

Ms Susan Mutti
Ms Catherine Pouget
Ms Yana Kanaan
Ms Blandine Legardeur
Mr Bernard Barondeau
Ms Clara Luthi
Mr Tomeu Prohens

The pension fund designed for interpreters, translators and other language professionals

Governed by Swiss legislation

Over 50 years of experience

Recognized by the international organizations

Save the date !
CPIT General Assembly
Tuesday, 3 December 2024, at 7 p.m.
Fédération des Entreprises Romandes (FER)
98, rue de Saint-Jean
1201 Geneva