Why the CPIT is the right choice

Many translators, interpreters and other language professionals start thinking about retirement late in their careers, contribute to schemes that are ill-suited to their needs or do not contribute sufficiently to ensure that they’ll have enough to live on when they retire.

The CPIT's benefits

Retirement benefits

You can opt for a pension or a lump-sum payment, or any combination of the two.

You can choose to retire between the ages of 60 and 70.

You can also choose to take partial retirement and continue working and contributing.

Disability benefits

Our disability insurance covers both sickness and accidents, and provides disability benefits. In addition, the CPIT will continue to pay your contributions until you reach retirement age.

Death benefits

Should death occur before retirement, a lump-sum benefit is paid to your heirs.
Should death occur after retirement, a widow/widower’s pension is paid to the surviving spouse, in an amount depending on the previously chosen reversion rate.

An exemption for under 30s

Members under 30 are fully exempted from participating in the payment of administrative fees for a period of no more than two years.

Members joining after the age of 20 are entitled to purchase insurance years to compensate for “missing” years.

All the advantages of the CPIT

Governed by Swiss law

The CPIT accepts members of all nationalities, no matter what their country of residence. It is one of the provident institutions recognized by both the United Nations system and the European and coordinated organizations.

Adapted to your profession

The CPIT offers the kind of flexibility that is particularly well adapted to the professions of translator, interpreter or other language specialist.

Attractive benefits

The CPIT offers excellent benefits, with especially generous, individualized rates for converting your capital into a pension.

Managed by colleagues

The CPIT is managed by colleagues, transparently, with no unnecessary red tape or middlemen. All revenues accrue definitively to its membership.

Customized benefits

The CPIT offers retirement benefits adapted to your needs and coverage in the event of disability or death.

A protected investment

Unlike an investment fund, annual variations in returns caused by market fluctuations only affect the interest paid every year on individual accounts, not the value of the retirement capital built up by each member.

No hidden costs

Unlike other provident funds, the CPIT has opted for total transparency when it comes to its administrative costs, which are entirely covered by an amount equivalent to CHF50/month deducted from the contributions of active members (see also Frequently Asked Question 22).

You will never pay one centime more.

two men sitting on sofa

The pension fund designed for interpreters, translators and other language professionals

Governed by Swiss legislation

Over 50 years of experience

Recognized by the international organizations